Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Program Afiliasi Viglink Solusi Amazon Banned

Posted by Unknown on 1:07 PM with No comments

Hallo teman-teman blog, pada postingan kali ini saya akan berbagi tentang suatu program afiliasi viglink yang saya anggap sebagai salah satu solusi dari masalah dalam berbisnis afiliasi di luar negeri. Pengalaman saya selama bermain di Amazon dan clickbank terkendala pada pembayarannya yang menggunakan cek, dan menurut saya cek itu butuh waktu yang sangat lama untuk sampai di indonesia, belum lagi kalau nama di cek tidak sesuai dengan nama di KTP kita, wah bisa runyam tuh, karena tidak bakal bisa dicairkan, ditambah lagi potongan dari bank di Indonesia yang besar banget.

Program afiliasi viglink tergolong masih baru, sekitar tahun 2012 baru launching, tidak tahu persis bulan berapa. Dengan pembayaran menggunakan Paypal memungkin kita untuk mendapat bayaran yang langsung bisa dicairkan ke bank kita di Indonesia atau bisa dijual ke jasa jual beli Paypal.

Salah satu keuntungan dari program afiliasi viglink ini, jika kita menjual produk Amazon maka biasanya komisinya bertingkat yaitu mulai 4% sampai 8,5%, tergantung jumlah penjualan dalam satu bulan, sedangkan bila kita gabung di viglink, komisi bisa mencapai rata-rata 6,375% dan itu menurut saya sangat menguntungkan karena biasanya komisi di amazon cuma 4% kalau penjualan di bawah 100 produk per bulan. Dan keuntungan yang lain adalah program afiliasi viglink bekerjasama dengan banyak sekali perusahaan afiliasi seperti amazon, ebay, clickbank, agoda dan lain-lain. Jadi kita cuma butuh satu akun viglink tapi bisa menjual banyak produk sekaligus tanpa daftar program afiliasi satu demi satu.

Cara menjalankan program afilisasi di viglink ini cukup mudah, anda hanya butuh website atau blog, trus anda integrasikan skrip dari viglink ke dalam blog sobat. Langkah pertama yang harus anda lakukan tentunya harus mendaftar dulu di viglink, anda bisa mendaftar di sini. Lalu anda isi beberapa data yang dibutuhkan dan lakukan konfirmasi lewat email, maka akun sudah jadi. Berikut tampilan halaman depan viglink.

Sedang untuk mengintegrasikan link ke dalam blog sobat, seperti gambar berikut:

Keterangan Gambar di atas:
Centang pada “Reaffiliate Affiliated Links” bila ingin semua link afiliasi anda otomatis menjadi link afiliasi viglink.
Biarkan dalam posisi on
Pilihan untuk link yang kebuka di window baru atau window yang sama.

Selanjutnya mengcopy code html ke dalam blog sobat, seperti gambar berikut:

Keterangan Gambar:
Copy skrip lalu buka dashboard blog sobat,
Bila sobat menggunakan Blogger tinggal klik blogger dan ikuti petunjuk integrasi,

Kalau sudah selesai tinggal masuk URL blog sobat yang telah diintegrasikan dengan viglink, lalu klik check, bila ada tulisan hijau berarti sukses. Masih ada beberapa fitur di viglink yang belum saya jelaskan di sini, silahkan anda pelajari sendiri, kalau minat mencoba mendaftar program afiliasi viglink di sini.

How to Register Payoneer

Posted by Unknown on 12:57 PM with No comments
We are offering an exciting debit card useful for selling digital currencies to be used for purchases and ATM withdrawals wherever MasterCard is accepted worldwide; it doesn’t require a bank account or any credit checks.
Issued by Choice Bank Ltd, pursuant to license by MasterCard International Inc, it’s fast, secure and offers you the most flexibility with your money; no need to wait for checks to arrive in the mail or to wait for funds to clear.
It does not have a chip, but ATM’s will still accept magnetic stripes for at least the next 5 years. The account number is not specified on the card, but it is tied to the card.
You can easily access to your card account online to check your balance and transaction history.
* Other unique benefits:
  • Accepted at all MasterCard points of sale, ATMs and online
  • Access to your money within hours
  • Offers maximum flexibility and liquidity
  • Funds are MC secured against unauthorized transactions and FDIC insured
* How to order the card:
In order to get your card, you may place a normal order
As soon as your order has been completed, you have to proceed on “card activation” on Payoneer’s website (steps 2 & 3). This will allow you to have your card in hand within two weeks from card approval, as it’ll be sent by First Class mail from the USA. All instructions will be enclosed in the card envelope.
The card is not anonymous and it’s not possible to have more than one debit card attached to a single Centregold userid. Also copies of passport or DL information may be required at the time of card ordering (step 2).
* How to load the debit card:
You can load money to this debit card by selling digital currency units (such as Liberty Reserve, c-gold, Pecunix, WebMoney, etc.) to us, and at a very good rate
Alternatively you can load it with another debit or credit card; that should be done at Payoneer’s website within the control panel.
* About card limits:
  • Cash Withdrawal:    $2500    Daily    
  • Purchases          :    $2500    Daily    
  • Total Spending   :    $5000    Daily    
* About the fees :
  • Activation fee: $19.95  (promotional cost for the card)
  • ATM (to get cash) : no fee
  • Monthly fee: $3.00
  • Loading fee: $4.00 plus our commission depending on the digital currency sold (currently varies between 3 and 4%)

How to Register and Get paid with PAYONEER

step2 - part2
step2 - part3
Once you complete the order process (step 2), it can take up to 12 business days in the U.S. to receive your card (up to 30 days outside the U.S.). If that amount of time has passed, then contact Payoneer’s Customer Support (see below).
Activate the card
Once you receive your card in the mail, you have to activate it as follows:
1. Online at www.payoneer.com:
- Click on ‘My Account’   https://myaccount.payoneer.com/  then enter the User ID and Password you chose when your card was ordered
- Click on ‘Activate your card’  then select your 4 digit PIN number and hit ‘submit’
You will receive an email confirmation for activation
2. or by phone: Call at 1-800-251-2521 within the US or 1-847-451-1386 outside the US. Choose option 3 from the menu and follow the prompts.
If you need more information, please click here  or contact Payoneer’s customer service :
by email : support@payoneer.com
by phone :
Within the US:  1-800-251-2521 x2 (9:00am-6:00pm EST)
Outside the US:  1-847-461-1386 x2 (9:00am-6:00pm EST)

Viglink solution Amazon banned

Posted by Unknown on 12:35 PM with No comments
Do you live in one of the ‘banned states’ where Amazon won’t let you become their affiliate? These currently include: Arkansas, California, Colorado, Illinois, North Carolina, Rhode Island, and Connecticut. It’s not your fault – you didn’t make the stupid tax law that tries to gather more sales tax revenue from online sales, but now you’re being punished. There is a ‘workaround’, if you will, that I found, and it seems to work.

What Not To Do

My first idea was to form a Nevada corporation. I would then register that entity as an Amazon affiliate, and that corporation would pay me as a shareholder.  But that would not only add time, but cost several hundred dollars. Not to mention this process would add more red tape at tax season. This intimidates most affiliate marketers of the badlands to just forget about it and move on.  Then I found a secret weapon to use for my sites.

What TO DO

I found Viglink. To put it in simple terms, Viglink is a very large affiliate aggregator.  They’re not registered in one of the banned states, so they qualify for Amazon affiliate.  Also, due to their volume, they get the top 8.5% commission rate on all Amazon items. What they do is allow you and I to monetize our sites with their affiliate account, as kind of an ‘affiliate’s affiliate’. So you’re not actually an Amazon affiliate, but you’re kinda a contractor for Viglink.
You install a snippet of code on your site and from that point on, any links you post out from your site (that can be affiliated) will automatically convert to an affiliated link.  Have a WordPress site? It couldn’t be any easier.  Just install the plugin and add your Viglink key.  You can also set it to automatically add affiliated links to your pages.  For example, the application saw that I typed ‘Amazon’ on this page, but I didn’t create the link, Viglink did. This makes affiliating your pages much simpler- and automatic.
Viglink Dashboard
A quick snapshot of the Viglink Dashboard
The bonus, Viglink has thousands of merchants, not only Amazon! You don’t have to apply to dozens and dozens of affiliate programs, only to be rejected, then weed through the specific pages and products you want to link to.  Simply go to the page you want to link to, copy the URL, paste it into your site, then Viglink will automatically convert that link to an affiliate link.  Viglink takes 25% of whatever the affiliate program pays.  The good news for someone in an Amazon ‘banned state’ is even after their 25%, due to the fact they get the 8.5% tier, you actually get 6.4%, which is still more than most Amazon affiliates make at the bottom tiers.  So what are you waiting for? It’s a very simple workaround, and trust me, it will make your life easier.

Sign Up Free