Do you live in one of the ‘banned states’ where Amazon
won’t let you become their affiliate? These currently include:
Arkansas, California, Colorado, Illinois, North Carolina, Rhode Island,
and Connecticut. It’s not your fault – you didn’t make the stupid tax
law that tries to gather more sales tax revenue from online sales, but
now you’re being punished. There is a ‘workaround’, if you will, that I
found, and it seems to work.
What Not To Do
My first idea was to form a Nevada corporation. I would then register that entity as an Amazon
affiliate, and that corporation would pay me as a shareholder. But
that would not only add time, but cost several hundred dollars. Not to
mention this process would add more red tape at tax season. This
intimidates most affiliate marketers of the badlands to just forget
about it and move on. Then I found a secret weapon to use for my sites.
What TO DO
I found Viglink. To put it in simple terms, Viglink is a very large affiliate aggregator. They’re not registered in one of the banned states, so they qualify for Amazon affiliate. Also, due to their volume, they get the top 8.5% commission rate on all Amazon
items. What they do is allow you and I to monetize our sites with their
affiliate account, as kind of an ‘affiliate’s affiliate’. So you’re not
actually an Amazon affiliate, but you’re kinda a contractor for Viglink.
You install a snippet of code on your
site and from that point on, any links you post out from your site (that
can be affiliated) will automatically convert to an affiliated link.
Have a WordPress site? It couldn’t be any easier. Just install the
plugin and add your Viglink key. You can also set it to automatically
add affiliated links to your pages. For example, the application saw
that I typed ‘Amazon’ on this page, but I didn’t create the link, Viglink did. This makes affiliating your pages much simpler- and automatic.
The bonus, Viglink has thousands of merchants, not only Amazon!
You don’t have to apply to dozens and dozens of affiliate programs,
only to be rejected, then weed through the specific pages and products
you want to link to. Simply go to the page you want to link to, copy
the URL, paste it into your site, then Viglink will automatically convert that link to an affiliate link. Viglink takes 25% of whatever the affiliate program pays. The good news for someone in an Amazon
‘banned state’ is even after their 25%, due to the fact they get the
8.5% tier, you actually get 6.4%, which is still more than most Amazon
affiliates make at the bottom tiers. So what are you waiting for? It’s
a very simple workaround, and trust me, it will make your life easier.
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